วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Teacher busy (3rd)

On January 19, 2015.
Today, The teacher engaged, so I did not have study, but on January 12, 2015 she taught to compensation about "Narratives".

Recount (2nd)

On January 12, 2015
This week I learned the contents of the second and third week because on January 19, 2015 Asst.Prof.Dr.Usa Noytim is engaged, so she had an appointment to learn for compensation in the course of next week.  

<In morning> 8.30-11.30 a.m. My teacher gave worksheets about "recount" to students, Teacher explained that what is the recount? and how much types of recount? After the teacher explained, she had the students practice by finding language features in the text, and answer the questions.

<In afternoon> 1.00-4.00 p.m.
This course was learning to compensation, The teacher taught a content of the morning till finish. Then she gave worksheets about "Narratives" to students. Narratives is content that I have to learn in the third week, the teacher gave students to did Secrets by Tim Winton.

My attitudes towards this lesson is I tried becuase today I hard study and I have problem! It is I do not like to read the text because some text has the messages a lot and have a vocabulary to difficult.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

A Discourse Approach in Reading (1st)

January 5, 2015.

     It was the start of my second semester. The first subject is A discourse approach in reading. My teacher is Asst.Prof.Dr.Usa Noytim.

     Before the start of class, the teacher explained the details of course outline and commanded the students to discuss about what do yo do in New Year day? Then she explained about the materials as well as 6 domains of learning.

     The first of class, the teacher ordered students find the meaning of "recount" and gave the work sheet for enter the lesson. The problem in this class is the words. Some of the words I don't know what it means.
     My attitude towards this lesson is I worried and afaid to learn because I'm not good vocabulary but I will intent to learn and read a book review.