วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Learning Reflection (16th)

Learning Reflection in A Discourse Approach in Reading.

1. What did you learn in this course?
In this course, I learned A Discourse Approach in Reading subject about 10 Unit. Each unit there are the content and the difficulty to different.

Unit 1: Recount
A recount is the unfolding of a sequence of events over time.
Purpose to tell what happened.
Unit 2: Narrative
A narrative (or story) is any report of connected events, actual or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words. Purpose of narrative is to entertain, i.e. to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story.
Unit 3: Description
Description is a text which says what a person, a thing or a place is like.

Purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Unit 4: Procedure
Procedure or instruction (How something is done).

Purpose is to tell the reader how to do or make something.
Unit 5: Comparison and contrast
Comparison and Contrast pattern presents similarities (comparisons) between two or more thing, differences (contrasts) between two or more thing, or both similarities and differences. Purpose: Authors use it when they want to explain or describe how two or more things are alike or different.
Unit 6: Cause/Effect
Cause/Effect is used to show how the facts or concept result due to other facts, events or concepts. Purpose: The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms of origins and results. Sometimes the connection between cause and effect is clear, but often determining the exact relationship between the two is very difficult.
Unit 7: Definition
A definition is statement which explains what a thing is. It is a statement that answers the question “What is this thing?”.
Unit 8: Classification
Classification may refer to categorization, the process in which idea and objects are recognized, differentiated, and understood.
Unit 9: Exemplification
Exemplification is the use of examples to illustrate an idea, an opinion, or a generalization. Purpose of adding more information to explain.
Unit 10: Problem and Solution
Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution).

2. What did you find easy?
- I like to learned in unit 4 Procedure. This unit is very easy and fun for me. It made me relax and easy to understand. I can do the exercise. I like this unit because I can show how to make something. (I like to cook, see the video and read about how to cook) 

3. What did you find difficult?
- I think unit 9 Exemplification and unit 10 Problem and Solution is very difficult for me because it has a many difficult words. I can't find a discourse marker and I don't know meaning of the word. I can't do the exercise.

4. How did you solve the problem?
- I solve my problem by read the content more when I have a free time. Then, I will do homework and practice on exercises myself.

5. What are your attitudes toward the course?
- Sometimes this class made me fun, if I can do exercise or homework I feel happy and fun to learn. I like to learn this course because my teacher is kind and relax. She is the good teacher for me. When she teach in the class room, she like us answers the questions because the answers helps us improve the our skill. This class is in my memory. But sometimes I feel bad because the content is very difficult for me. I can't do the exercise and test. My point in midterm test very bad but I will try to improve myself and read a lot of book.

Problem and Solution (15th)

On April 20, 2015

Last Monday, it was our last time of this semester. We learned about Problem and Solution continued from last week. Then we checked answer in exercise 1 and exercise 2 together. It very difficult for me because I can't understand and I did not find main idea from the text. I'm so sad :(

After that, teacher ordered us to show the remaining video about how to cook, it made me very hungry because it looks really yummy and it near time the have lunch.

I made video about how to cook with Ms.Onpreeya. We chose the location video at my house. The Spring rolls was we make, it's easy to make and delicious.
Before finished,the teacher blessed us to pass the final test and remind us to do the last homework of the subject.

My attitude in this lesson is the content was very difficult for me and made me strain. But when I saw the video about how to make, I feel relaxed and happy.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Problem and Solution (ฺ14th)

On April 3rd, 2015.

Last Friday, teacher taught us about unit9 Exemplification continued from last week. Then, we did exercise about Hazards in home and Language in birds. When teacher answer the homework finished.
Teacher taught about Problem and Solution. 

First, teacher explained us about what is a problem and solution? 

“Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution)”.

Then, I did exercise, circled the problem markers and highlight the solution markers.

My attitude in this lesson I think it very difficult. Some exercise I can do it, but I don't understand. However, I will try to do it always and learn more that I can understand this lesson more.

Exemplification (13th)

On March 23rd, 2015.

In the afternoon
we learned about unit9 Exemplification. When the class started teacher explained us about details, marker of Exemplification and she assigned us to find the meaning of word in dictionary, viz. specific, vivid, persuade, and illustrate. 

For example, to see the picture clearer and for the readers to understand the article easier by observing the transition words and phrases such as; for example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, in fact signal to the reader that additional specific details follow.

After that, she assigned us to read the text Species of Whales and did exercise. Then, she assigned us to do exercise 1 about  "College Students' Pressures"  We found the main idea, markers, and draw the diagram.

When we finished, she assigned us to read text 2 "Fun things to do in Great Falls" and did exercise, match the place with the activities. Finally, we read text 3 about "hazards in the home that jeopardize a child" and did exercise, answers the questions.

My attitude in this lesson I think it is very difficult because I don't know many vocabulary but I tried to read and find the meaning of words.

Definition and Classification (12th)

On March 23rd, 2015.

Last Monday, I learned A Discourse Approach in Reading class about ''unit7 Definition and unit8 Classification''. Today we learned both in the morning and afternoon.

In the morning
First, teacher asked to us about  "What is a definition?" 
Definition is the definition or meaning of the word, we can see the unfamiliar words. 
Classification is a simple classification, or organized by the general characteristics are a grouping of things with a simple approach is from the outside to see such as color, size, shape, etc.

Then, she assigned us to do exercise 1, about find the definition marker, technical terms, and the definitions. Teacher explained us to circle the definition marker, highlight the technical terms, underline the definitions. When we finished she assigned us to do exercise 2, about find the classification marker, and draw a diagram and then, we read text 1 " What is Anthropology?"  and answered the question and complete the diagram.

My attitude in this lesson a definition was quite easy for me but a classification was quite difficult.  I find problems about write the diagram. I solved the problem by repeat and I should be more practice.

Cause and Effect (11th)

On March 16, 2015

In this afternoon, I learned about A Discourse Approach in Reading, unit 6 it's about Cause and Effect. Teacher introduced to the lesson by watching some text  example about "Cause and Effect".

Teacher told to us about detail of this lesson and vocabulary of  it. The keywords of cause such as; because, since, therefore, if…then, as a result of, hence, and thus. 

After that, teacher assigned us to did exercise about to find cause and effect in paragraph, teacher explains us to circle the cause and effect markers, highlight each cause and mark in with a C, underline each effect and mark in with an E. 

My attitude in this lesson I think this lesson is difficult because we need to know the vocabulary or keywords and translate the contents to be understood, then finding cause and results. And I don't like the class in the afternoon because when I had lunch finished, saw air conditioning and a lot of content it made me feel very sleepy 555. 

Cause and Effect (10th)

On March 16, 2015

Last Monday, I learned about A Discourse Approach in Reading class. Teacher taught us about comparison and contrast from last week and ordered us to do homework. It about men and women: Do they speak the same language? When I read the paragraph it made I knew differences between the languages of men and women. 

Such  as; The syntactic differentiations between males and females deal with directive speech. Men often use directive phrases such as “do this now” and women will be more indirect saying something like “why don’t we do this for a while?” Women are taught to be more ladylike, and speak gracefully, softly and less forceful.

After that , teacher ordered me to do exercise by using the following questions:

Using of language in the speech of men and women in similar or different?
- I think using of language in the speech of men and women are different and there are different ideas because women are more vulnerable than men , thoughts and cares about people around too much. In contrast , most of men have a tough emotional than women . When they have anything to say straight without concealment feel.

My attitude in this lesson I dare to share more opinions and I got many vocabulary of the text.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Comparison and Contrast (9th)

On March9, 2015

Last Monday, we had midterm exams about recount, narratives, description, and procedures. The midterm exam has the text and the questions, which similar to the previous test. It was difficult for me because I didn’t know some words.

Teacher set time to 90 minutes for exams to 40 items. I toke the time to do the examination until the time runs out. I tried to do it the best, although it will be difficult.

After that, the teacher explained about Comparative and Contrast continued from last week. She assigned us to share answers with partner before she solutions the homework and explained an each text on the sheet. Finally, we did exercise about hurricanes.

This lesson, It made to know the similarities and differences, I did not know some words so, I must to used dictionary to find a words.

Comparison and Contrast (8th)

On  March 2, 2015

Last Monday, I had test before midterm test about the three lessons is learned about recount, narrative, and descriptive. The test was quite difficult for me, it's writing test. It had the texts for you read and had the questions for you to answer. I didn't know some words. So, I'm not confident to the this test.

After that, teacher was ordered last week to disclose the practice. Then, we began to learned about Comparison and Contrast, which is to compare the similarities and differences of people , animal , things or places. Teacher introduced to the lesson by watching picture about Apples and Oranges and she assigned us to find similarities and different of apple and orange. 

Then, she ordered us to read the text and did exercise1. It about subway in New York and Paris. This text was very interested for me. I can find a many new words.

Finally, teacher assigned to do homework. I think it's not difficult for me. I will try to use the idea of finding a Main idea and finding new vocabulary.

วันพุธที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Procedures (7th)

On February 23, 2015

Last Monday, we learn in afternoon because teacher was busy, she had to meeting in the morning. First, we shared the answers of text2 and text 3 of Descriptive with friends, before we began to learn.

Before we began to learn about Procedure, teacher opened the video about How to make omelette. Then, we learned about how to make Banana Shake, Banana Cake and Chicken soup together with did exercise in the papers.

My attitude was I had like to learn Procedure because I thought that how to cook is interesting. I'm happy to learn about it but I found the problems about vocabulary and system of sentence. 

Descriptive (6th)

On February 9, 2015.

Last Monday, we learned about Descriptive. Teacher gave us to looked the picture on the projecter, she assigned us to make a groups of 4 people and discussed about it. Then, we shared our idea to friends in class, before we began to learn. It's the Komodo dragon.  

After that, teacher assigned us to read the text about Komodo Dragon and did exercises, such as; answered the questions and matched each word with correct meaning.

My attitude is fun because when we discussed, my friends and I have many idea to shared about Komodo Dragon. Finally, I enjoyed with friends's video which Role-play about ''Kylie''.

Narratives (5th)

On February 2, 2015

Last Monday, We learned about Narratives at room 111. Teacher ordered us to make a group of 5 peoples for discussed about summarize secret in part two, did exercise C and D, and shared idea in my groups for presented to teacher and friends.

Then, teacher wrote a word on the board, it's '' the well ''. She assigned us to describe this word such as dark,dangerous,dry,etc. After that, she assigned us to make the circle diagram on page 52 about Kylie's feels. 

My opinion, I found problems about reading and translation because  in this text had the difficult vocabulary so, I often used my mobile phone to translation but I like this lesson because i like to discuss with friends, it made me fun. 

Narratives (4th)

On January 26, 2015.

Today we learned about Narrative.Teacher assigned us work to be done but someone haven’t finished.
She penalized who have not finished the work out of the room until finished.

My teacher started with sample text of narrative. She explained language features in sample text and helps us translate to Thai.It made me understand better.

Past one of the text, it about story of Kylie, she is a young girl that has problem about her family, Her mother had new boyfriend, so she thought her mother did not love her. This text had many difficult of vocabularies so, I used my mobile phone to find meaning. After that we have to discuss with my friends about secret.Then,we sent agent of group to presen.

My attitudes towards this lesson is I excited because today, I learned about narrative that exciting and I enjoyed that discuss with friends.t with teacher and friends.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Teacher busy (3rd)

On January 19, 2015.
Today, The teacher engaged, so I did not have study, but on January 12, 2015 she taught to compensation about "Narratives".

Recount (2nd)

On January 12, 2015
This week I learned the contents of the second and third week because on January 19, 2015 Asst.Prof.Dr.Usa Noytim is engaged, so she had an appointment to learn for compensation in the course of next week.  

<In morning> 8.30-11.30 a.m. My teacher gave worksheets about "recount" to students, Teacher explained that what is the recount? and how much types of recount? After the teacher explained, she had the students practice by finding language features in the text, and answer the questions.

<In afternoon> 1.00-4.00 p.m.
This course was learning to compensation, The teacher taught a content of the morning till finish. Then she gave worksheets about "Narratives" to students. Narratives is content that I have to learn in the third week, the teacher gave students to did Secrets by Tim Winton.

My attitudes towards this lesson is I tried becuase today I hard study and I have problem! It is I do not like to read the text because some text has the messages a lot and have a vocabulary to difficult.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

A Discourse Approach in Reading (1st)

January 5, 2015.

     It was the start of my second semester. The first subject is A discourse approach in reading. My teacher is Asst.Prof.Dr.Usa Noytim.

     Before the start of class, the teacher explained the details of course outline and commanded the students to discuss about what do yo do in New Year day? Then she explained about the materials as well as 6 domains of learning.

     The first of class, the teacher ordered students find the meaning of "recount" and gave the work sheet for enter the lesson. The problem in this class is the words. Some of the words I don't know what it means.
     My attitude towards this lesson is I worried and afaid to learn because I'm not good vocabulary but I will intent to learn and read a book review.